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Spalding Woods Sharks

Thank you for your interest in the team!  We are so eager to get the swimmers back in the pool!  Hopefully, all the information you need is on this website.  But, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to one of us and we will gladly help you find a solution.

**Be sure to click around the website for all sorts of additional information!!


Our team is part of the Atlanta Swim Association League.  When joining the swim team, we will automatically register your swimmer with the Atlanta Swim Association.  Therefore, there are two fees that will be paid at the time of registration, the team fees to the Spalding Woods Club as well as the league fees to ASA.  As part of your team fee, each swimmer will receive a team t-shirt and a swim cap (if registered before May 1st).  Please note, team suits are NOT required but may be purchased separately at a later date.

Team Fees:

$115 for the 1st Child
$90 for the 2nd Child
$65 for the 3rd Child

(family team fee max of $335)

Plus NON-member Fees (for swimmers who are not members of Spalding Woods Club):

$25.00 for each swimmer with a $100 family maximum.

Plus ASA 2024 League Fees:

$40.00 per Athlete if registered through April 15, 2024
$60.00 per Athlete if registered between April 16, 2024 and June 1, 2024
$65.00 per Athlete if registered after June 1, 2024

*Plus a $3.30 Swimtopia Technology Charge per swimmer.

** If your child is younger than 5, please email me at [email protected] for instructions on how to register for the team.

Go Sharks!

Joan Miller
Sharks Team Manager
[email protected]

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