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Helpful Links!

Here are some helpful little tips and tricks for swim team....

How to put a swim cap on your swimmers head

How to write on your swimmers arm

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Additional Important Dates and Information

Meet and Greet:  May 7th, during practice times, Spalding Woods Pool

Meets usually run from about 4:30pm (warmups) until 8:30pm.  All swimmers except for the 6 and under swimmers are expected to stay until the end because the last events are the free style relays and most of our swimmers will be needed for a relay. 

GA Tech Championship Meet:  June 27 

End of season team party:  Tentatively scheduled for July 7th at Spalding Woods Pool

**GRPA State Meet:  Columbus, GA  July 19th (10 and under) and July 20th (11 and up)

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