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Here are some of our most commonly asked questions... 

What is the level of commitment needed to participate in swim team?

We are very flexible.  We want you there as much as you can be, but allow for camps and working parents by offering as many practices times as possible.

Does my child need to be a strong swimmer?

NO! The only requirement is that your child can swim one lap of the pool unassisted.  Our goal is to help your swimmer improve, and meet them at their own level.  We understand that, especially at first, they may need to be by the wall or have the assistance of a coach, and that is fine!

What is the age limit?

Typically our swimmers are ages 5 through 18.  However, if you have a younger swimmer, please let us know.  Together we can assess if he/she should be on the swim team or would benefit more from the Baby Sharks program.

Don't hesitate to ask further questions of the coaches or team manager.  We're here to help!

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Additional Important Dates and Information

Meet and Greet:  May 7th, during practice times, Spalding Woods Pool

Meets usually run from about 4:30pm (warmups) until 8:30pm.  All swimmers except for the 6 and under swimmers are expected to stay until the end because the last events are the free style relays and most of our swimmers will be needed for a relay. 

GA Tech Championship Meet:  June 27 

End of season team party:  Tentatively scheduled for July 7th at Spalding Woods Pool

**GRPA State Meet:  Columbus, GA  July 19th (10 and under) and July 20th (11 and up)

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